Film/TV Soundtracks
Default Option: Any soundtrack may be released with payment of 100% of SRLA wages *15% discount may apply
Option 1: 15,000 units with no upfront payment
- Musician/AFM credits and AFM copies required
- Form B reflecting 50% payment must be submitted
- Wage bumps at sale thresholds beyond 15,000 *15% discount may apply
Option 2: 10,000 units with a payment of 10% of SRLA wages
- Musician/AFM credits and AFM copies required
- Form B reflecting 10% payment must be submitted
- Wage bump at sale thresholds beyond 10,000 *15% discount may apply
Option 3: 25,000 units with a payment of 25% of SRLA wages
- Musician/AFM credits and AFM copies required
- Form B reflecting 25% payment must be submitted
- Wage bump at sale thresholds beyond 25,000 *15% discount may apply
Option 4: 50,000 units with a payment of 50% of SRLA wages
- Musician/AFM credits and AFM copies required
- Form B reflecting 50% payment must be submitted
- Wage bump at sale thresholds beyond 50,000 *15% discount may apply
Option 5: 7 1/2 minutes or less of the soundtrack with a payment of SRLA Special Session wages
Option 6: Singles released with a payment of 50% of SRLA wages
- Wage bumps at sales of 200,000, 380,000 and 450,000 units
* Producer may apply a 15% discount to payments under the Default Option, or to the first payments of Options 1, 2, 3 or 4 if:
- The soundtrack is a physical release (or digital under Option 1)
- The sound track record uses 40 (45 in the case of Option 3) minutes or more of music originally recorded for the picture, and
- The sound track record utilizes 75 (80 in the case of Option 3) or more musicians (excluding orchestrators and music prep) and
- Required musician/AFM credits included with physical sound track record (or posted or downloadable in the case of digital downloads)
SRLA wages = scale wages under “basic scale” provisions of the Sound Recording Labor Agreement (“SRLA”) in effect when the sound track record is released
Pension contributions are due on all payments.