Single Song Overdubs


This scale is primarily intended for musicians working alone, most often in a home studio, overdubbing for a client who typically sends audio files over the Internet to the musician. This “stand alone” scale is designed for independent projects on non-signatory labels, and can ONLY be combined with Limited Pressing projects, but not Master or Low Budget Master. Each musician pays his or her own Pension contribution through their Local, although there is also an option for the employer or payroll service to make the Pension contribution.
Download the fillable pdf here

  • SET THE RATE – Once you have heard the song, negotiate your “per song” rate. There is a $100/song minimum, and all “extras” (H&W, Pension, etc.) are included in this scale, which goes up in
    • $50 increments ($150, 200, $250, etc) and can be found on the Single Song Scale Worksheet included with the Agreement.
    • Different songs can have different per song rates depending on difficulty, number of parts, etc. It’s your call.
  • EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT – It is essential to get the Agreement signed by the employer before you do the work! Download the Single Song Overdub Agreement from, your Local or AFM website and email it to the Employer to sign online with an “X” and email it back to you. Then email a copy to your Local.
  • DO THE WORK – Do not send an isolated track until you have been paid as agreed. When you have received the money by check, cash or Pay Pal, send them the separate files. Up to 12 songs can be recorded under one Agreement for one artist or employer in a six month period. Multiple musicians can appear on one contract if they are all making the same rate.
  • FILE THE CONTRACT(TIME CARD)/PAY THE PENSION – Your Local can help you complete B-17 AFM Contract. Use the Scale Worksheet to find the amount of Pension due. Each player will write a personal check to the AFM-EP Fund for their Pension contribution on behalf of the Employer. This is the only AFM recording scale that allows you to do so.